The People Over Property initiative (POPi) is a collective of local organizations, community organizers, community developers, village planning committee members, residents and lovers of our South Phoenix Community. POPi has been a project of Mass Liberation AZ since 2020.
We recognize the generational impact of a land use and development process by a City built on racial segregation and exploitation.
As we continue to face systemic racism and exclusion in development today, we are guided by the following values:
We center those most directly impacted by health disparity
The legacy of racism in this city has resulted in state sanctioned early death of South Phoenix residents through food apartheid, mass incarceration, criminalization, and environmental racism.
We center Black Liberation & make visible the way Racism operates in development
In solidarity, we hold a commitment to name anti-Black violence and move towards dismantling the beliefs behind it (racial/economic/gender-based).
We center healing and transformation
Our recommendations, requests, considerations, and expectations for future development will always be grounded in this value.
The City of Phoenix continues to develop from a framework rooted in a legacy of colonization and white supremacy where property and the right to police property is valued above all other considerations. This property over people culture operationalizes through the various practices of the police department and the planning and zoning department. The outcome is known to us as displacement, but the term resegregation tells us a more complete story.

The City of Phoenix continues to develop from a framework rooted in a legacy of colonization and white supremacy where property and the right to police property is valued above all other considerations. This property over people culture operationalizes through the various practices of the police department and the planning and zoning department. The outcome is known to us as displacement, but the term resegregation tells us a more complete story.

The People Over Property initiative (POPi) is a collective of local organizations, community organizers, community developers, village planning committee members, residents and lovers of our South Phoenix Community. POPi has been a project of Mass Liberation AZ since 2020.
We recognize the generational impact of a land use and development process by a City built on racial segregation and exploitation.

As we continue to face systemic racism and exclusion in development today, we are guided by the following values:
We center those most directly impacted by health disparity
The legacy of racism in this city has resulted in state sanctioned early death of South Phoenix residents through food apartheid, mass incarceration, criminalization, and environmental racism.
We center Black Liberation & make visible the way Racism operates in development
In solidarity, we hold a commitment to name anti-Black violence and move towards dismantling the beliefs behind it (racial/economic/gender-based).
We center healing and transformation
Our recommendations, requests, considerations, and expectations for future development will always be grounded in this value.